Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Dorottya Sallai et al., – The antecedents of MNC political risk and uncertainty under right-wing populist governments Sallai, D., Schnyder, G., Kinderman, D. et al. The antecedents of MNC political risk and uncertainty under…illiberalism.orgDecember 12, 2023
Culture and SocietyResearchResources Hub Anthony Lawrence A. Borja – Political Illiberalism in the Philippines: Analyzing Illiberal Political Values Borja, Anthony Lawrence A., "Political Illiberalism in the Philippines: Analyzing Illiberal Political Values," Asia-Pacific Social…illiberalism.orgDecember 12, 2023
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Joseph P. Forgas – The Politics of Insecurity: How Uncertainty Promotes Populism and Tribalism Forgas, Joseph P, William D Crano, and Klaus Fiedler. 2023. The Psychology of Insecurity. Taylor &…illiberalism.orgDecember 12, 2023
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Riccardo Marchi – The Populist Radical Right in 21st-Century Portugal Portuguese flag: Flag of Portugal by Nathan Hughes Hamilton licensed under CC BY 2.0 DEED…illiberalism.orgDecember 12, 2023
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Binio S. Binev – Post-neoliberal Populism in Latin America and Eastern Europe: Recognizing Family Resemblance Binev, B.S. Post-neoliberal Populism in Latin America and Eastern Europe: Recognizing Family Resemblance. St Comp Int…illiberalism.orgDecember 12, 2023
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Zoltán Szente – The myth of populist constitutionalism in Hungary and Poland: Populist or authoritarian constitutionalism? Zoltán Szente, The myth of populist constitutionalism in Hungary and Poland: Populist or authoritarian constitutionalism?, International…illiberalism.orgDecember 12, 2023
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Marton Gera – “Here, the Hungarian people will decide how to raise our children”: Populist rhetoric and social categorization in Viktor Orban’s anti-LGBTQ campaign in Hungary Gera, M. (2023). “Here, the Hungarian people will decide how to raise our children”: Populist…illiberalism.orgDecember 9, 2023
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Anthoula Malkopoulou and Benjamin Moffitt – How not to respond to populism Malkopoulou, A., Moffitt, B. How not to respond to populism. Comp Eur Polit 21, 848–865 (2023). Abstract…illiberalism.orgDecember 9, 2023
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Tamás Gyulavári and Łukasz Pisarczyk – Populist Reforms in Hungary and Poland: Same Song, Different Melodies International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial RelationsVolume 39, Issue 1 (2023) pp. 49 – 70 Abstract Populism is gaining…illiberalism.orgDecember 9, 2023
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Gilles Ivaldi and Emilia Zankina – The Impacts of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Right-Wing Populism Russian Flag: Photo: "Flag In The Wild Russian Federation (164796773)", by Santiago Quintero licensed under…illiberalism.orgDecember 9, 2023