Democratic Backsliding and Electoral PoliticsResources Hub Maria Snegovaya – Fellow travelers or Trojan horses? Similarities across pro-Russian parties’ electorates in Europe Photo: "State Duma, Hotel Moskva, Moscow Kremlin and Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge", by, licensed under…illiberalism.orgDecember 13, 2021
Resources HubTheory Christian Joppke – Populism and the double liberalism: exploring the links Photo: "Library", by Stewart Butterfield licensed under CC BY 2.0. Hue modified from the original…illiberalism.orgDecember 13, 2021
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResources Hub Marcel H. Van Herpen – The End of Populism: Twenty proposals to defend liberal democracy Photo: "European Parliament Strasbourg Hemicycle - Diliff", by Diliff, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. Hue…illiberalism.orgDecember 13, 2021
Democratic Backsliding and Electoral PoliticsResources Hub Dejan Guzina – Through the 21st Century looking glass: Liberalism, democracy, and populism in a Pre-Yugoslav Serbia Photo: “Visegrad Group and Eastern Partnership meeting in Budapest 14“, by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of…illiberalism.orgDecember 13, 2021
Democratic Backsliding and Electoral PoliticsResources Hub Robert Zbiral – Do Coalition Governments with Populist Parties Attempt to Rationalise Law-Making in Parliaments? Evidence from the Czech Chamber of Deputies Photo: "Prague - Vue du château depuis le Pont Charles et la Vltava", by Bengt…illiberalism.orgDecember 13, 2021
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResources Hub Michai Varga, Aron Buzogany – The Foreign Policy of Populists in Power: Contesting Liberalism in Poland and Hungary Photo: "Manifestacja przeciw islamizaji Europy Ruch Narodowy Młodzież Wszechpolska plac Zamkowy 2016", by Adrian Grycuk…illiberalism.orgDecember 13, 2021
Culture and SocietyNationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResources Hub Jose Mario C. Francisco – Challenges of Dutertismo for Philippine Christianity Duterte 2018 Speech: Photo: "Duterte_Philippines_President_Business_Forum_03", by Republic of Korea licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Hue…illiberalism.orgDecember 12, 2021
Resources HubTheory Populism in the Civil Sphere Alexander, Jefferey C., Peter Kivisto, Giuseppe Sciortino Populism in the Civil Sphere. John Wiley &…illiberalism.orgFebruary 17, 2021
AgoraInterview Jérôme Jamin on American illiberal democracy Jérôme, you worked for a long time on the populist tradition in the United States.…illiberalism.orgFebruary 4, 2021
Democratic Backsliding and Electoral PoliticsResources Hub Alexandra Yatsyk – Biopolitical Populism in Poland: The Case of PiS Photo: “W drodze na Wawel“, by Piotr Drabik, licensed under CC BY 2.0, Hue modified from the…illiberalism.orgFebruary 1, 2021