Political Economy and Illiberalism Biting their own Tails: Class politics, Postmaterialism, and Europe’s Radical-right Workers Past decades have witnessed an unholy alliance between the working class and the petty bourgeoisie,…Miranda ThulinMarch 11, 2025
Political Economy and Illiberalism Dazed and Confused? The Far Right’s Opaque Economic Policies As the world prepares for a second Donald Trump presidency, there is a surprising uncertainty…Alberto PolimeniDecember 3, 2024
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Defbry Margiansyah – Populism and Crisis in Indonesia: Politicization of Economy, Identity, and Personalistic Leadership Photo: "Joko Widodo," by Global Panorama licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Hue is modified from…illiberalism.orgJune 21, 2023
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub István Benczes – Populism and/or Developmentalism: Past and Present Experiences Benczes, István. "Populism and/or Developmentalism: Past and Present Experiences." In The Political Economy of Emerging Markets…illiberalism.orgJune 21, 2023
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Julia Kühnast – Growth Regimes of Populist Governments: A Comparative Study on Hungary and Poland Kühnast, Julia. Growth regimes of populist governments: A comparative study on Hungary and Poland. No. 199/2022.…illiberalism.orgApril 12, 2023
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Jakub Szabó – Political Economy of Illiberal Capitalism in Hungary and Poland Photo: “W drodze na Wawel“, by Piotr Drabik, licensed under CC BY 2.0, Hue modified from the…illiberalism.orgMarch 30, 2023
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Dóra Győrffy – Populism and Authoritarianism in the EU: What is the Role of the Euro? Győrffy, Dóra. "Populism and authoritarianism in the EU: what is the role of the euro?." European…illiberalism.orgMarch 27, 2023
Democratic Backsliding and Electoral PoliticsResearchResources Hub Claire Elder – Somaliland’s Authoritarian Turn: Oligarchic–Corporate Power and the Political Economy of De Facto States Elder, Claire. "Somaliland's authoritarian turn: oligarchic–corporate power and the political economy of de facto states." International…illiberalism.orgMay 26, 2022
Lectures The Political Economy of Populism in Europe (Chatham House, 2022) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMhqgGrPYtE Chatham House, 2022 Description: Populist challengers to the political establishment have emerged across Europe…illiberalism.orgMay 25, 2022
Democratic Backsliding and Electoral PoliticsResearchResources Hub Ziya Öniş & Mustafa Kutlay – Reverse transformation? Global shifts, the core-periphery divide and the future of the EU Photo: "European Parliament Strasbourg Hemicycle - Diliff", by Diliff, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. Hue…illiberalism.orgApril 21, 2022