Culture and SocietyResearchResources Hub Ionuț Biliuță – The Romanian Orthodox Church between the Alliance for the Union of Romanians and the Putinist Temptation: Ultranationalist Propaganda Among Orthodox Clergymen and the Russian War Agaianst Ukraine Biliuṭă, Ionuṭ. “The Romanian Orthodox Church between the Alliance for the Union of Romanians and…illiberalism.orgDecember 18, 2023
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Vít Hloušek and Vratislav Havlík – Eurosceptic narratives in the age of COVID-19: The Central European states in focus Corona vaccine: Impfung gegen Corona by Tim Reckmann licensed under CC BY 2.0 DEED. Hue…illiberalism.orgDecember 18, 2023
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Gábor Scheiring – The politics of growth models and populism in East-Central Europe Introduction Since it was launched, economic sociology. perspectives and conversations (or, as it used to…illiberalism.orgDecember 18, 2023
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Hugo Canihac – Defending Sovereignty in the Name of Post-sovereignty: Liberal and “Illiberal” Constitutional Idioms in the EU Tattered EU Flag: Photo: "Tattered EU flag," by Derek Bennett licensed under CC BY 2.0…illiberalism.orgDecember 18, 2023
Democratic Backsliding and Electoral PoliticsResearchResources Hub Aram Hur and Andrew Yeo – Democratic Ceilings: The Long Shadow of Nationalist Polarization in East Asia Hur, A., & Yeo, A. (2023). Democratic Ceilings: The Long Shadow of Nationalist Polarization in…illiberalism.orgDecember 18, 2023
Culture and SocietyResearchResources Hub Lorenz Klumpp – Exploring the distinction between populism through and by the media from a visual perspective: representations of German politicians on magazine covers of Der Spiegel and Compact Klumpp, L. (2023). Exploring the distinction between populism through and by the media from a…illiberalism.orgDecember 18, 2023
Nationalism, Populism, and the Far RightResearchResources Hub Alain Dieckhoff (ed.) and Philippe Portier (ed.) – Special Issue: Populism and Religion Dieckhoff, Alain. Portier, Philippe. “Journal of Religion in Europe Volume 16 Issue 2: Special Issue:…illiberalism.orgDecember 18, 2023
Democratic Backsliding and Electoral PoliticsResearchResources Hub Miloš Gregor and Otto Eibl – Professionalization and Democratic Backsliding? Political Campaigning in Central and Eastern Europe Miloš Gregor & Otto Eibl (2023) Professionalization and Democratic Backsliding? Political Campaigning in Central and Eastern Europe, Journal of Political Marketing, 22:3-4, 175-181 Introduction…illiberalism.orgDecember 18, 2023
Foreign Policy and International AffairsResearchResources Hub Nicholas Lees – The endurance of the G77 in international relations: South–South ideology and voting at the United Nations 1970–2015 Bookshelf: Photo: "Library", by Stewart Butterfield licensed under CC BY 2.0. Hue modified from the…illiberalism.orgDecember 18, 2023
Democratic Backsliding and Electoral PoliticsResearchResources Hub Max Steuer – Democracy, Procedural and Social Rights, and Constitutional Courts in Hungary and Slovakia Hungarian Parliament hue changed: Photo: "Budapest: Hungarian Parliament", by Jorge Franganillo licensed under CC BY…illiberalism.orgDecember 18, 2023